I am grateful that Governor Jim Justice vetoed House Bill 5105. As a pediatrician and mother of a toddler, I cannot overstate the importance of routine childhood immunizations. I recommend them to my patients, and I choose them for my own daughter.

Dr. Lisa Costello

Dr. Lisa Costello

I testified before the West Virginia Legislature to explain the medical science supporting immunizations and why we need to maintain our state’s strong school immunization policy. High rates of immunizations in schools and communities are our best protection against deadly yet preventable diseases like polio and measles.

Dr. Lisa Costello is a pediatric hospitalist in Morgantown, W.Va., and past president of the West Virginia State Medical Association and the West Virginia Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, two of the state’s largest professional organizations serving children and adolescents. She and her husband are parents of a toddler.

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