Imagine waking up after a nine-month sleep and discovering West Virginia has had a thousand-year flood and at least 26 people perished. Imagine looking at a Doppler photo of the front that shows the heart of it passing over Rainelle and White Sulphur Springs but only “brushing” Richwood. Think of the 95 Richwood Nursing Home residents who would not have been rescued by staff, EMS personnel and citizen volunteers if that Katrina-like bubble had been a mere 25 miles to the north.

Now, rub your eyes and imagine this: When discovering the replacement value for flooded Richwood High and Middle Schools had been set at $100 million, the Nicholas County Board of Education decided to “seize the day” and is attempting to steal two good schools by putting consolidation on the table for the first time in history and forcibly relocating them to Summersville. Take a flooded town that’s barely pulled itself from the river and is shivering on the banks, and run down not to help, but to kick it twice … and hard. Unbelievable, right?

Bob Henry Baber is mayor of Richwood.

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