"The Agony & The Ecstasy of Steve Jobs"

Travis Teffner, left, plays Steve Wozniak, and Sean Marko portrays Steve Jobs in the M.T. Pockets Theatre play, “The Agony & The Ecstasy of Steve Jobs.”

MORGANTOWN — If Shenendoah Thompson cannot find his smartphone, he agonizes over the level of importance the devices have achieved in today’s society.

“Every time I lose my phone, I hate the fact that you have to go buy another one, because people need to get ahold of me and I need to get online,” he said during a telephone interview. “I think about how much you do from the palm of your hand, and it’s frightening how necessary these devices have become.”

Lifestyles editor Mary Wade Burnside can be reached at (304) 626-1438 or by email at mwburnside@theet.com

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